Titelbild zu IAM Innovationen - Abschaffung Passwörter

Elimination of Passwords 

Passwords need to be eliminated. A baffling statement with a serious background.


Passwords are out of date

Passwords are a thing of the past. They are crucial for the clear user identification; however, they are not safe anymore. 

A password is a factor of knowledge that can be lost. The implications may be just as serious as the loss of your keys. The password is therefore an insecure factor and should not be used as the sole characteristic of authentication.

The concept and method of authentication must be redefined with the primary goal of the highest possible security and, at the same time, ease of use for the user.

However, this is opposed to the principle of the passwords:

  • User-friendliness: A Password that is easy to memorise, but at the same time easy to hack.
  • Security: A complex password that is difficult to memorise.

The password is out of date.Today, modern technology (infrastructure, devices, protocols, etc.) is available which makes a password in this context an outdated, medieval method.

The password as a “knowledge factor” can be replaced or supplemented with “available” security information. The popularity and the possibilities of a smartphone and the corresponding apps, allow integrations that secure access to data and services.

A factor is queried that cannot be guessed or lost because it is and remains in our possession. The combination of “having” and “knowing” proves to be a very difficult security hurdle to overcome.

The right manufacturer for each project

Together with our technology partners, we provide premium products and solutions to optimally meet your requirements. The introduction takes place gradually in manageable project steps which do not overwhelm the organisation or the users.
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