Responsible for the website content:
IPG Information Process Group AG
Theaterstrasse 17
CH-8400 Winterthur
Phone: +41 52 245 04 74
Fax: +41 52 245 04 73
IPG Information Process Group GmbH Deutschland
Hertzstrasse 20
DE-13158 Berlin
Represented by:
Director Claudio Fuchs
Phone: +49 30 30807135
Fax.: +49 7531 957 3019
E-Mail: info(at)
Register Court: Cologne
Local Court Register Number: HRB 120778
VAT ID no :
Value added tax identification number pursuant to Section 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE253096831
Responsible for content according to Section 55, (2) Broadcast Services State Treaty (RStV)::
Director Claudio Fuchs
(Address as noted above)
IPG Information Process Group Austria GmbH
Johann-Strauß-Gasse 32
AT-1040 Vienna
Represented by:
Director Claudio Fuchs
Phone: +43 1 71 728 464
Fax.: +49 7531 957 3019
E-Mail: info(at)
Company Details:
Company Name: IPG Austria GmbH
Register Number: FN428290p
Commercial Court: Vienna
VAT Registration Num.: ATU69366116
Disclaimer and Privacy Policy
The copyright for all contents of this website is owned by IPG Information Process Group AG, Claudio Fuchs.
All texts and links were carefully checked and are continuously updated. We endeavour to provide correct and complete information on this website. However, we shall assume no guarantee, responsibility or liability that the information provided is complete and up to date. We reserve the right to change the contents of this website at any time without prior notice but make no commitment to update the information contained. All links to external providers were checked for correctness at the time of their inclusion. We shall assume no liability for the content and availability of websites accessible via hyperlinks. The provider of such websites shall be solely responsible for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damages from the content of linked pages. It is not essential whether the damage is of a direct, indirect or financial nature, or if damage has occurred which could be due to loss of data, loss of use or any other reasons
Privacy Policy
We assume no liability for the security of data transmission on the Internet, in particular when transmitting data via email, there is a risk of access by third parties.
The use of contact data published in the legal notice by third parties for advertising purposes is strictly prohibited. The operator expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited advertising or information materials being sent.
In the event of individual provisions of this Disclaimer being or becoming null and void, this shall not affect the remaining parts of this document with respect to content and validity.
For further information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.