Titelbild Expertenbericht 360 Grad Assessment IAM

360° IAM Assessment

Comprehensive Evaluation of Identity and Access Management (IAM) – Your 360° IAM Check

Welcome to the 360° IAM Assessment, a comprehensive evaluation of your identity and access management. In an increasingly interconnected business world, effective Identity and Access Management (IAM) is crucial for the security and efficiency of your company. But how well is your IAM system performing? Is your IAM up to date? How are IAM systems assessed? We aim to answer these and other important questions for you.

What is an IAM assessment?

An IAM assessment stands for Identity and Access Management assessment. It is an evaluation or review of an organization's identity and access management (IAM). IAM refers to the practice of managing and controlling user identities and their access rights to systems, applications, and data.

What must an IAM system be capable of?

The management of identities is crucial for the efficient organization of various identities within a system. IAM systems enable centralized control and structuring. An essential aspect is access control, where an IAM system should facilitate user authentication and authorization, along with their access rights. To integrate all business areas beyond IT, an IAM system must connect different systems through integrations. The automation of access management is another key advantage of IAM systems.

Without such a system, a company would have to track access manually, whereas an IAM system automates this process, making it more efficient. Particularly in relation to employee authentication and authorization, IAM provides a unified, secure, and consistent solution, especially when combined with HR software. Seamless integration with various systems is a defining characteristic of a good IAM system, with standards facilitating this integration. Furthermore, although an IAM system does not independently determine who has access to which resources, it simplifies the selection of appropriate access rights.

Scope of a 360° IAM Assessment

An IAM assessment aims to evaluate the current state of an organization's IAM system and identify potential weaknesses, risks, or areas for improvement. It typically involves a thorough review of the IAM processes, policies, procedures, tools, and technologies used within the organization.

During an IAM check, various aspects may be assessed, such as the effectiveness of identity management, the accuracy and timeliness of user information, access control mechanisms, application integration, monitoring and auditability of access, as well as security and compliance related to IAM.

The results of an IAM assessment serve as the foundation for reviewing or defining a tailored IAM strategy for each customer. They also guide the gradual development and implementation of IT governance, processes, infrastructure, solutions, operational topics, and improvement measures in identified areas. Additionally, an IAM assessment contributes to enhancing a company’s IT security, efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance.

Approach to a 360° IAM Assessment

  • Based on our more than 20 years of experience, we work together with the key stakeholders of our clients to identify the essential cornerstones and action areas of an IAM solution. We discuss available options and jointly define the corresponding priorities:

    • User groups and identity types
    • Target systems and their readiness/quality status concerning IAM
    • Business roles
    • Integration of an existing ITSM system, if applicable
    • Possible tenant separation considerations
    • Governance, compliance, and reporting
    • IAM organization
    • Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    • Federation
    • Privileged Access Management (PAM)
    • Workflow and self-service
  • Deepening and detailing the gained insights through interviews, analysis of volume structures, data quality, organization, and processes.

  • Comparison of findings and insights with best practices.

  • A final report documents the findings along with best practices.

  • A roadmap outlines the key planning priorities based on the jointly defined priorities regarding the necessary steps.

  • A business case outlines the financial costs concerning customer expenses, support from an external partner, and software licensing costs.

After completing the assessment, you will receive a comprehensive report with detailed results and recommendations. This report enables you to enhance the security and efficiency of your IAM system while minimizing risks.

Contact us today to receive more information or to schedule an appointment for the 360° IAM Assessment.

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