Expansion of IDM (Identity Management) in the Free State of Saxony.
The IDM solution, One Identity Manager, ensures secure, efficient, and transparent management of user accounts and permissions in 7 out of approximately 60 authorities. The experts from IPG have been reliable IDM partners from the beginning, helping to meet the diverse requirements of the authorities.
The State Enterprise Saxon Informatics Services (SID) is the central hub for providing and managing IT services for the authorities and ministries of the Free State of Saxony. In terms of Identity Management (IDM), Karola Lohan, team leader at SID, is in charge. She was already responsible for the software implementation at the Statistical State Office in 1997. The solution back then is not comparable to today's, as it was a predecessor system that gradually evolved toward IDM. The main focus at that time was equipping the various employee PCs; a task that is no longer required with today's IDM solution.
Mission and Objectives
Transparency, Efficiency, Elimination of Data Clutter
In some authorities of the Free State of Saxony, One Identity has been in use for years. The already equipped departments are very satisfied with the high level of the solution and its added value. In cooperation with IPG, further ministries and authorities are being equipped with the proven IDM solution step by step. The common goal: less effort through automated processes, no data clutter, increased IT security.
Approach and Methodology
From a rudimentary software distribution system to highly efficient identity management.
The development of IDM is not a standalone project, but rather a long-standing story that began more than a quarter of a century ago. Karola Lohan’s main task at the time, while still at the Statistical State Office, was to equip employees' PCs with the necessary operating system and software. The shift in focus of the One Identity Manager towards IDM marked the beginning of the development of the personal process. It was now possible to identify, eliminate, and prevent data clutter (deleting accounts, permissions, and data after departures). When new employees joined, left, or took temporary absences such as parental leave, their access rights and identities were automatically updated.
For new employees, the software automatically generates the account, a mailbox, and the necessary permissions based on the organizational structure and affiliation. For departures, this process runs "backwards" — everything is deleted.
A managed file server, fully covered by the IDM, was implemented as another sub-project at the Statistical State Office, the State Office for Heritage Protection, and in SID itself. This custom extension enables employees to request storage space for data and grant themselves access rights to it.
After the implementation of One Identity, SID, as a service provider, now faces significantly less effort. The applications run "as if by magic," and the individual customers have more independence.
If a Saxon authority plans to introduce an IDM system in the future, it will exclusively be One Identity. The collaboration is based on a framework agreement, and IPG is always on standby for the integration of additional authorities, closely accompanying all processes with intensive customer engagement.
A project in the transition of environment and requirements.
The introduction of a new system is fundamentally a big challenge for all participants. On one hand, it requires the necessary resources and time, and on the other hand, the acceptance of all those involved – the introduction of an IDM affects each and every individual.
The collaboration between the client and the software provider must work unconditionally, despite challenges such as a shortage of skilled workers or constant time pressure. Thanks to the long-standing partnership and mutual support, these challenges are always successfully overcome.
The SID and several ministries and authorities benefit from the advantages.
At a glance:
- Work becomes easier and more efficient
- The IDM system increases IT security thanks to a clear overview
- Data clutter is a thing of the past
- High acceptance among employees
- Custom fields and functions enhance user-friendliness
- Expansion possibilities offer significant added value
- The system is always organized
- Documentation of changes
The goal is to equip all relevant departments in the state of Saxony with One Identity, where it makes sense. As of today, the system has been implemented in 7 out of 60 authorities. Next, the Saxon State Chancellery will be equipped with the managed file server, and the Saxon Court of Audit will be equipped with the IDM solution. The entire implementation is taking place in close collaboration with IPG.
Customer Testimonial from SID
I am responsible for almost everything as a one-person team – from customer contact to the helpdesk – and I am essentially, so to say, married to One Identity. Everything I can´t handle is reliably and promptly taken care of by IPG. The collaboration is very trusting. I hope the partnership with IPG continues for many more years.
Karola Lohan
Team Leader at SID and Administrator for One Identity
State Enterprise Saxon Informatics Services (SID)
Expertenstimme von IPG
The collaboration with SID should be viewed over a longer period. Sometimes there are more touchpoints, sometimes fewer. At times, it is just a simple update, while other times it involves more extensive support and longer projects that we implement together. This is what makes this collaboration exceptional. The reflection of the transformation of the currently deployed product, One Identity Manager, is also, in a way, a reflection of the customer´s own transformation. SID was truly an early mover.
Ronny Vedder
IPG Project manager
IPG GmbH Deutschland
About SID
The State Enterprise Saxon Informatics Services (SID) has been the central IT service provider for the Saxon state administration since 2008. It supports the completion of administrative tasks through the use of state-of-the-art information technology, serves as the primary contact for all IT matters of its clients, and provides high-quality, reliable, and service-oriented IT solutions.